Action Movie Review: Transporter 2

This is a movie review of Transporter 2.

Plot Summary (courtesy of IMDB):

Movie Review of Transporter 2Former soldier turned hired criminal Frank Martin, now living in Miami, has been hired for his latest assignment. Frank has been hired as a bodyguard to Jack Billings, son of Jefferson Billings, a wealthy US official for the US government drug control organization who is attending a conference with the DEA. When Jack is kidnapped by a international crime boss known as Gianni and his associates including his murderous lover Lola and gets implicated in the kidnapping, Frank with help of trusted friend, French police detective Tarconi, sets out to rescue Jack and takes on Gianni and his henchmen, as Gianni infects Jack with a engineered virus which will infect those who come into contact with Jack, as Gianni plans to infect Jefferson and sabotage the conference.

Run Time: 87 Minutes

Movie Review:

My memory of the original Transporter movie is vague so I can't really compare the two movies. I do know that the format for this movie is much different than even the title suggests, but because the franchise is not that well established I did not feel that it worked against he movie. In fact, the main character even admits that his normal role is much different that what is played here.

Jason Statham does a great job at portraying a cold and seemingly feeling-less protagonist that also feels inviting and human. He nails his performance home by doing his own stunts, some of which are quite moving. The fight scene using a fire hose is quite imaginative and reminds me of similarly interesting fight scenes done by the likes of Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

Transporter 2 is purely about the action and it delivers. The lack of CGI and the plethora of physical action scenes help make this movie more down to earth and fun than if it was digitized. The plot isn't anything to write home about but it doesn't need to be, it just needed to be good enough for the action to have meaning and that is what it does.

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Overall Movie Review Rating: I rate this movie as a Good See - 3.5 stars

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